Why Should You Supplement with Collagen Peptides?
Taking collagen supplements is good for the body overall. I have used 2 brands of hydrolysate collagen and found that the best-hydrolyzed collagen is the one that offers Type I, II, III, V, and X, multi collagen peptides protein powder. This type of collagen peptide will support bone, and joint health promotes better sleep, and lowers blood pressure.
Supplementing collagen protein also helps support joints, tendons, and ligaments. Collagen is great for strengthening bones, promoting tissue repair, keeping eyes healthy, and providing good energy levels. It will make our guts healthy hence will prevent leaky guts, and allows muscle growth and regeneration. Collagen keeps the heart beating because it is concentrated in one of the three walls of our heart, the myocardium, which is in charge of making the contractions to pump blood. Collagen does two things: 1) provides a structural framework for the cardiac muscle cells. 2) Provides stiffness to the walls of our heart and aids force transmission so it can pump blood. Without enough collagen, our hearts couldn’t beat.
Multi-Collagen Peptides Benefits
Collagen is the buzzword these days. We see a lot of ads about collagen on social media and in magazines. I have done a lot of research on collagen which helped me learn so much about it and so it helped me to decide to stay on supplementing with collagen peptides protein powder. Hydrolyzed means that collagen, as a dietary supplement, has been broken down into more easily dissolvable and absorbable amino acids. It is important that the collagen supplement we take has the most amino acids that we need and gradually rebuild the collagen levels in our body to function well during our daily activities. We need to help our body produce the keratin protein that makes up our hair. Collagen acts as an antioxidant to fight free radicals that can damage hair follicles, hydrates dry skin and prevent wrinkles, helps our body keep the flexibility and elasticity in our skin. Collagen helps our body initiate the improvement of bone mineral density. It helps grow stronger healthier bones that support our frame and posture, making us look good and feel good in our skin and clothes. Also, a study showed that collagen can significantly reduce artery stiffness and also reduce LDL cholesterol levels, and increase HDL, the good cholesterol. You can see changes and see results in your body from 4 – 6 weeks of taking it. To maintain the results, the collagen should be taken for at least 12 months and it is safe to continue taking collagen peptides protein powder even after 12 months if you wish.
How Does Collagen Help Our Body
Collagen protein is a fibrous protein made of amino acids. Some of these important amino acids are glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline. These amino acids can be found in animal proteins like bovine, chicken, grass-fed beef, bone broth, and eggs. It helps make up the connective tissues in our body which are our cartilage, tendons, ligaments, skins, and even our digestive system. It holds everything together in our bodies. As we age, our body produces less and less collagen which translates into aging skin, wrinkles, and joint pains. A diet rich in Collagen may help the body’s ability to synthesize collagen and replenish our collagen levels as we age. As we reached the age of 30, our body does not make the essential amino acids as it used to during our younger years. According to a study, inside our joints is called the extracellular matrix. Basically, the microscopic structure that makes up the joint cartilage. As an individual gets older, the extracellular matrix starts to break down, weakens and the cartilage starts to collapse. Taking the multi-collagen peptides every day will build new, healthy tissues within the crevices of the joint cartilage as the body carries the solution through our bloodstream all the way to the joints and the deepest regions of our extracellular matrix. Since not everyone eats something sourced from animals, I recommend taking marine or fish collagen peptides, made the same way as the other collagen is. The only difference is collagen protein peptides are sourced from grass-fed bovine and marine collagen is sourced from wild-caught white fish.
Collagen Protein Powder Is So Easy To Use
I use 1 scoop of collagen protein powder every morning either with Matcha tea or hot oatmeal. It blends right in and is flavorless. You can also mix collagen with smoothies, homemade ice cream, fresh juice, or hot soup. I am using now the third container I have bought has a little bit of smell, not sure why, but it wasn’t offensive or strong. When mixed with tea or juice, you don’t taste or smell the powder at all.
As mentioned earlier, when you buy collagen, selecting the premium quality and multi-collagen peptides is best in order to get as many amino acids as possible so it will support what our body needs. A premium blend of grass-fed beef, chicken, wild-caught whitefish, and egg collagen offering Type I, II, III, V, and X. Fish Collagen is Type I & III.
My Progress, Using Multi-Collagen Peptides
I have been using multi-collagen peptides protein powder for a few years now. I have the most fabulous healthy-looking hair as a result. Also, I seldom have any muscle or knee pains but only when I do hard work in my backyard. I can run with confidence as well. Regular exercising weekly helps circulation in your whole body that also prevents pain. My fingernails have been growing fast, stronger, and looking healthy. Before taking collagen, my nails just kept splitting and breaking. What I have been noticing also is, I have been sleeping soundly and so well that sometimes I don’t even wake up to go to the bathroom. The only time I don’t fall asleep right away is when I am on the computer past 12 midnight and didn’t wear my blue blocker glasses, which seemed to affect me negatively.
Wholesome Wellness Brand Is The Best Collagen
People who have been consuming hydrolyzed collagen have had positive results on their hairs, nails, joints, and skin. I read a testimonial from a mechanic who always gets cuts and bruises because of his work, is healing his cuts and bruises faster than years ago before taking collagen. He also noticed a drastic improvement in his skin and hair. I highly recommend hydrolyzed collagen to anyone looking to improve skin, joint, and bone health.
Click here to find out more about Type I, II, III, V & X. Click here for Marine Collagen, Type I & III. Code Age offers a 10% discount on your first purchase. If you buy a second item, shipping is free.
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I remember years ago we consumed Knox Gelatin as the collagen was said to help the health of the nail bed. I don’t recall if it made a difference or not but I was just a young girl, probably pre-teen, thinking only about what color sparkle I wanted to put on top of my nail polish. I’m sure I wouldn’t have used it consistently enough to make a difference.
Now that I’m (waaayyyyyy) older, I find the subject interesting again. Your examples of the benefits of taking collagen every day seems like an easy, safe and effective way to combat aging. Thank you for the info. I’ll let you know how things go!
Thank you for your visit and maybe you will think about it more as you go on with your life. I read all of the reviews on collagen and this one that is featured on my article really stood out the best! So when I said I have been using it for more than 3 months . . . I have and had to wait that long before I can do the review. I was so glad I tried it and will continue using it. It also helps prevent leaky guts, according to a study. Please come back and visit again in the future.
I read elsewhere that collagens don’t help improve the cartilage health.
your review has opened up my eyes. The fact that the multi collagen peptide powder offers you youthful nails, hair and it does so many wonderful things for you. I particularly like not making so many trips to bathrooms.
I don’t eat beef and can’t consume this product. Are there any substitutes that you can recommend to buy?
Hello Anusuya,
Thank you for your time leaving a comment on my website. For people who do not eat beef, Marine collagen is the alternative. Just be careful when you buy Marine collagen, make sure it says wild caught white fish, can be cod, snapper, blue marlin, mahi mahi,etc. Some marine collagen can be peptides from crayfish, jelly fish, or other sea creatures, will not be effective in improving nails, hair growth or joint pain. I read about it and that’s how I found out. Good luck! Please visit my website again for other posts. Thanks again.
I am an RN and my husband is a medical doctor. This is a great article on Collagen. Your articles are well researched so it gives credibility to your articles. Keep sending good articles on promoting health as your advocacy is on living life well to all.
We belong to a foundation with advocacy of promoting health and wellness and saving lives, so your articLes are in line with our mission. All the best to you.
Thanks very much, Lucy for leaving a comment on this article. I truly believe that nourishing our body with the right nutrients will help us improve our health and be able to function well. Improving the body’s flexibility and skin appearance will give us more self-confidence to do our daily activities such as work and social. The collagen is popular among women but men will benefit from collagen as well. My husband is also using collagen.
Again, thanks for stopping by, and hope to see you again soon! Stay well!
I really don’t know much about collagen, but reading your section about how does collagen help our body was a huge eye opener for me. I realize now that my body probably isn’t producing enough collagen which may be the reason for my joint pain. I am so glad I came across your site because I had no idea about this and reading your results is very encouraging. I’m going to check out your best collagen supplement.
Hi, thank you for your visit. Yes, please check it out again, the type of collagen that you might want to try. As a first time buyer through my website, you will get a 10% discount using a code “HEALTH.” The link is direct to the manufacturer and it is a very good quality product by Code Age. It is also available at Amazon but Amazon does not offer a 10% discount. You can mix it with just about anything, hot or cold drinks, smoothies, soup, baked goods, etc. Enjoy life and be happy. Take Care and stay well.